Allgemeines (11)
Die Bewertung | 4 |
Editorial | 3 |
Hall Of Fame | 39 |
Hitparaden | 20 |
Impressum | 54 |
Inhaltsverzeichnis | 5 |
Inserentenverzeichnis | 62 |
Leserbriefe | 40 |
Starkiller - 17. Folge | 41 |
Titelseite | 1 |
Vorschau auf die kommende Ausgabe | 62 |
News (3)
Ariolasoft ist tot - es lebe United Software | 18 |
CES-Bericht | 8 |
Power Play Classics-Compilation | 15 |
Tests: Computerspiele (16)
Curse of the Azure Bonds | 22 |
Deja Vu II | 24 |
Kult | 44 |
Millennium 2.2 | 49 |
Personal Nightmare | 45 |
Phobia | 50 |
Rainbow Warrior | 50 |
Rick Dangerous | 51 |
Shogun | 24 |
Sim City | 46 |
Steel Thunder | 48 |
Thunderbirds | 52 |
Waterloo | 48 |
Weird Dreams | 45 |
Wicked | 54 |
Xybots | 52 |
Kurztests: Computerspiele (13)
BattleTech | 56 |
Chuck Yeagers AFT 2.0 | 57 |
Gunship | 55 |
Heroes of the Lance | 56 |
Hilsfar | 57 |
Robocop | 56 |
Savage | 55 |
Savage | 57 |
Shoot em Up Construction Kit | 55 |
Sorcerer Lord | 55 |
Stormlord | 56 |
The Duel - Test Drive II | 57 |
Waterloo | 56 |
Tests: Videospiele (5)
Blades of Steel | 58 |
Dungeon Explorer | 60 |
Moto Roader | 60 |
Poseidon Wars | 59 |
Wanted | 59 |
Tests: Automatenspiele (2)
Operation Thunderbolt | 61 |
Turbo Out Run | 61 |
Spiel-Werbungen (6)
3D Pool | 53 |
Dark Side | 47 |
KlassiX | 2 |
Power Play Classics | 63 |
Silkworm | 21 |
Total Eclipse | 47 |
sonstige Werbungen (3)
Action Replay | 16 |
Micro Status | 43 |
Micro Style | 6 |
Lösungen (1)
Ultima V Clue Book (Teil 1) | 36 |
Tips (24)
Battlehawks 1942 | 30 |
Bundesliga Manager | 29 |
Castlevania | 38 |
Einleitung | 26 |
Ghostsn Goblins | 38 |
Gradius | 38 |
Hallo Freaks | 31 |
Jeanne dArc | 28 |
Legend of Blacksilver | 32 |
Metroid | 39 |
Microprose Soccer | 29 |
Passing Shot | 39 |
Populous | 26 |
Project Firestart | 29 |
Punch Out | 38 |
R-Type | 38 |
Shinobi | 38 |
Sierra-Spiele leichtgemacht | 30 |
Super Mario Bros. | 38 |
Superstar Ice Hockey | 29 |
TV Sports Football | 29 |
Videospiel-Tips | 38 |
World-Court Tennis | 39 |
Ys | 38 |
Händleranzeigen (16)
Austria Dynamic Systems | 37 |
Computershop und Gamesworld | 23 |
CPS | 27 |
CWM - Computerversand | 33 |
DECOS GmbH | 37 |
easy | 57 |
FUNTASTIC ComputerWare | 19 |
Joysoft | 31 |
Joystick | 33 |
KaroSoft | 13 |
Plashpoint | 55 |
Playsoft | 33 |
Reinhard Schuster Computer | 25 |
Schlichting | 35 |
Thomas Mueller Computer Versand | 56 |
WIAL-Versand-Service | 55 |
zurück zur Übersicht der Hefte |
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