Allgemeines (19)
Alle Clubs auf einen Blick | 46 |
Comic: Trantor | 56 |
Creme de la Creme | 58 |
Die Power Play-Wertungen | 6 |
Editorial | 3 |
Hall Of Fame | 60 |
Hitparaden | 18 |
Impressum | 93 |
Inhaltsverzeichnis | 4 |
Inserentenverzeichnis | 97 |
Leserbriefe | 50 |
Musik, Bücher, Filme | 144 |
Power Play im Abo | 42 |
Power Play nachbestellen | 149 |
Private Kleinanzeigen | 98 |
Starkiller - 9. Folge | 94 |
Titelseite | 1 |
Vorschau auf die nächste Ausgabe | 150 |
Wettbewerb: Gewinn mit Bomico | 45 |
News (3)
Das dynamische Duo - Zwei neue Spiele von Graftgold | 12 |
Schnipsel aus der Softwareszene | 8 |
Sensible Software neuester Streich: Mega Lo Mania | 14 |
Tests: Computerspiele (37)
4D-Sports Driving | 30 |
Badlands Pete | 117 |
Battlestorm | 41 |
Battlestorm | 24 |
Breach 2 | 116 |
Car-Vup | 112 |
Chase HQ II | 28 |
Countdown | 36 |
Creatures | 112 |
Darkspyre | 111 |
Duck Tales | 114 |
GemX | 116 |
Ghengis Khan | 37 |
Hard Drivin II | 28 |
Links | 26 |
Metal Master | 24 |
Moonbase | 40 |
Narc | 22 |
Nine Lives | 116 |
Nobunagas Ambition | 36 |
On the Road | 117 |
Operation Com Bat | 40 |
Pop Up | 117 |
Prehistoric Tale | 114 |
Pyramax | 117 |
Red Baron | 32 |
Space 1889 | 41 |
Team Suzuki | 30 |
The Power | 115 |
The Rise of the Dragon | 34 |
Total Recall | 22 |
Turrican II | 20 |
Ultimate Ride | 31 |
Warlords | 38 |
World of Wonders | 84 |
Zarathrusta | 113 |
Zeliard | 111 |
Kurztests: Computerspiele (12)
Alpha Waves | 118 |
Buck Rogers | 118 |
Buck Rogers | 118 |
Bundesliga Manager | 119 |
Dino Wars | 119 |
Dragon Strike | 118 |
Gazza II | 118 |
Gremlins 2 | 118 |
Line of Fire | 119 |
M.U.D.S. | 118 |
Murders in Space | 118 |
Space Quest III | 119 |
Tests: Videospiele (14)
Chessmaster | 132 |
Chessmaster | 134 |
Crackdown | 135 |
Dangerous Seed | 124 |
Final Fight | 132 |
Gaiares | 128 |
Gynoug | 126 |
Heavy Unit | 134 |
Ishido | 135 |
Musha Aleste | 129 |
Out Run | 134 |
Populous | 134 |
Ultima | 133 |
Violent Soldier | 130 |
Kurztests: Videospiele (12)
Battle Squadron | 135 |
Dragontail | 136 |
Ginga | 135 |
Hard Drivin | 136 |
Hurrican | 136 |
Märchen Maze | 136 |
Pri Pri | 136 |
Saint Dragon | 135 |
Spartan X | 136 |
Sword of Sodan | 135 |
Volfied | 136 |
Wonderboy in Monsterland | 136 |
Spiel-Werbungen (11)
ALCATRAZ | 119 |
GemX | 35 |
Genghis Khan | 2 |
Mega Traveller 1 | 23 |
Milennium Games | 29 |
Nam | 11 |
PGA Tour Golf | 17 |
Spirit of Excalibur | 27 |
The Return of Medusa | 88 |
The Ultimate Ride | 25 |
Warrior of Darkness | 49 |
sonstige Werbungen (10)
5 Jahre ASM | 125 |
AMIGA Berlin 91 | 39 |
AMIGA Magazin | 127 |
AMIGA Power Disk 3 | 131 |
ATARI Computer | 151 |
Bomico | 113 |
Bomico | 115 |
Happy Easter (West) | 152 |
Power Play Ordner | 143 |
Video Games Magazin | 137 |
Artikel (3)
Frankfurter Messe Rundschau | 138 |
Power Play über Killerspiele | 120 |
Tupfer! Klemme! Maus! | 16 |
Lösungen (5)
Buck Rogers | 62 |
Dragon Wars Clue Blook (Teil 4) | 89 |
Kings Quest V | 70 |
Sorcerers Get All The Girls | 74 |
Super Mario World | 80 |
Cheats (7)
Lettrix | 75 |
Loopz | 75 |
Manix | 75 |
Night Shift | 75 |
Resolution 101 | 75 |
Rick Dangerous 2 | 75 |
Schummel-Ecke | 75 |
Tips (22)
Battle Ping Pong | 84 |
Cadaver | 78 |
Castlevania | 85 |
Chaos strikes back | 78 |
Cyberball | 85 |
Dr. Bobo antwortet | 69 |
Einleitung | 62 |
Galaga 88 | 84 |
Ghosts n Goblins | 80 |
Goonies II | 87 |
Ishido | 79 |
Mean Streets | 78 |
Power Tips | 61 |
Powermonger | 72 |
Puzznic | 84 |
Shadow Dancer | 80 |
Silent Service II | 78 |
Super Mario Land | 87 |
Super Monaco GP | 87 |
Teenage Turtles | 80 |
Transworld | 79 |
Videospiele-Tips | 80 |
Interviews (2)
Die Glorreichen 5 - Factor 5 | 96 |
Wie realistisch dürfen Simulationen sein? | 124 |
Händleranzeigen (46)
Bachler Computersoftware | 143 |
Blitzversand | 56 |
Computer Markt | 86 |
Computer-Box | 68 |
Computershop und Gamesworld | 54 |
Compy Shop | 84 |
CPS | 76 |
CWM Computerversand | 71 |
Dynamic Systems Austria | 65 |
Dynatex | 83 |
ECS Vertriebs GmbH | 57 |
Elektronikstudio | 86 |
Fantasy Productions | 90 |
Flashpoint | 147 |
Four Systems Computersoftware | 147 |
Fundux | 81 |
Funny Software | 52 |
Funny Software | 91 |
Funsoft | 103 |
Galaxy | 73 |
German Design Group | 147 |
Gnadenlos GmbH | 85 |
Gordon Boyd | 91 |
Gross Electronic | 53 |
HAMO | 93 |
International Software Koeln | 81 |
Joysoft | 60 |
KaroSoft | 133 |
Kingsoft | 7 |
Label Spielesoftware und mehr | 55 |
MN-HobbySoft | 86 |
MR-Soft | 68 |
Okay Soft | 133 |
Power-Games | 82 |
Richard Berry Loesungsservice | 65 |
Richartz | 51 |
RSE Electronic | 97 |
Steirerfunk | 84 |
The Software Maniacs | 65 |
Theo Kranz Versand | 81 |
Wial Versand Service | 31 |
World of Wonders | 86 |
World of Wonders | 68 |
World of Wonders | 71 |
Zillesoft | 91 |
zurück zur Übersicht der Hefte |
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