236042 Bewertungen, letzte: 29.11.2024 10:04 |
| | Votes / % |
1. | Final Fantasy 3 (Super NES)  | 1069 / 88,27 |
2. | Shining Force (Mega Drive)  | 703 / 86,10 |
3. | Vagrant Story (Playstation) | 750 / 86,04 |
4. | Grandia (Playstation)  | 684 / 85,07 |
5. | Chrono Trigger (Super NES) | 689 / 84,28 |
6. | Suikoden II (Playstation) | 639 / 84,19 |
7. | Super Mario World (Super NES)  | 970 / 83,65 |
8. | Landstalker (Mega Drive)  | 1208 / 83,07 |
9. | Legend of Zelda 3: A Link to the Past (Dt.) (Super NES)  | 875 / 82,79 |
10. | Terranigma (Super NES) | 614 / 82,52 |
11. | Wonderboy 5 (Mega Drive)  | 454 / 80,53 |
12. | Breath of Fire 3 (Playstation) | 501 / 79,89 |
13. | Streets of Rage 2 (Mega Drive)  | 689 / 79,82 |
14. | Super Street Fighter 2 (Super NES)  | 490 / 79,36 |
15. | Alien Soldier (Mega Drive) | 384 / 78,59 |
16. | Secret of Mana (Super NES)  | 665 / 78,04 |
17. | Thunder Force 4 (Mega Drive)  | 458 / 77,63 |
18. | Super Bomberman (Super NES)  | 413 / 76,95 |
19. | Musha Aleste (Mega Drive)  | 411 / 75,92 |
20. | Majoras Mask (Nintendo 64) | 314 / 75,13 |
Zu den Top-50 Videogames-User-Charts |